Tuesday, October 2, 2012


journal 2002

I know that we do not fight against flesh and blood,  but I forget so often and think it is the person that is hurting my feelings or making me mad.  Sometimes, it's me. I'm the selfish one, wanting my own way. Either way, I have to remember to fight with the armor that God has given me.
Who could my enemy be:  Spirit of Control,  Spirit of Fear, Spirit of Gluttony, Spirit of Willfulness, Spirit of Selfishness, Spirit of Deception,

I need to know how to fight these enemies.
1.  Know the truth - The  Truth will set me free.
            I am a child of God, I have the spirit living in me, I can do all things through Christ, these are just  
            some of the truths.                                

2. Find protection in righteousness
               tell the truth, make restitution if necessary, forgive

3, Keep your faith strong - the enemy does not play fair.  He will tell you things to try to weaken your faith,
             and make you doubt yourself and God.

4.  Helmet of Salvation to always remind you that you are protected because you are a child of God.

5. Most important - Know the Word of God-  whatever the enemy says to throw you off balance ( you
              know -make you mad, or depressed, or selfish or a know-it-all) There is a word of truth to
              to counteract that dart.

You have to know the word of God to fight against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world  and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

Who is Your Enemy?

Journal 2002

Have faith that I will drive out the enemy still living in your promise land. Do you believe I can do what I say I will do?  Who is your enemy? Hint: It is not a person.  You don't fight against flesh and blood but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty posers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

Now, answer. Who is your enemy?  Fear.  Fear kept me from doing the right thing is college, now Fear is keeping me from moving forward in my calling.
" Do you think I am greater than Fear?"    "Yes, I do?"
"If I live in you and I am greater than Fear, then what is stopping you from moving forward? " " I don't have the knowledge or the know-how.  And I don't want to look stupid."
"Then I will place people, and opportunities for you to learn in your path. Look for them. Watch for them so you do not miss your opportunity."

Fear has no leverage on you. Nether does Control. No person has control over you unless you give them control.  Don't worry about any one person. Give them to me and do what is right. Then you will have peace. .