Christian Characteristic


(NIV) Galatians 5
24)Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  25) Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

It's call getting out of our comfort zone.  We belong to Christ, we are not our own. We were bought with a price; not to hang that over our head to keep you righteous but to show you a direction of life and truth. When we except Jesus as our Savior then his spirit lives in us. We've heard this thousands of times. So why do we still struggle with issues of the flesh. Those things that makes our flesh comfort instead our the Spirit. If he asks us to come to him instead of watch tv with the family, will you do it?  if he ask you to give up dessert for a time, will you do it? Has he been asking you to forgive a friend? Or give up smoking? OR just to eat healthier. (Ouch, that one was for me.) 

Listen to the Spirit. Here want he is saying to you. Let us battle against this flesh to live closer with the Spirit. Let's do what the Spirit wants and we will be blessed and live in His peace. Isn't that what we want?