Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hollow Be Your Name

Prayer:  The Lord's Prayer

From Matthew 6: 9-13  “This,then, is how you should pray:  “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

Daughter, I want you to remember that I am your Father, I am the one who cares for you, provides for you, loves on you, I am looking down from heaven on you. When you come to me in reverence and respect, you show me your childlike character and I am pleased. I have many names. Each name represence My character and nature.  I am Jehovah, God. I am above all, There is no other god. When you come to me and you hollow my name , you are giving Me the respect and place of honor that I deserve.  I turn My head to listen, I give ear to hear you.  Get to know me I love You!

From Blue Letter Bible:

ELOHIM......Genesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1 meaning "God", a reference to God's power and might.
ADONAI......Malachi 1:6   meaning "Lord", a reference to the Lordship of God.
JEHOVAH--YAHWEH.....Genesis 2:4   a reference to God's divine salvation.
JEHOVAH-MACCADDESHEM.......Exodus 31:13   meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier"
JEHOVAH-ROHI......Psalm 23:1   meaning "The Lord my shepherd"
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH.......Ezekiel 48:35   meaning "The Lord who is present"
JEHOVAH-RAPHA.........Exodus 15:26   meaning "The Lord our healer"
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU......Jeremiah 23:6   meaning "The Lord our righteousness"
JEHOVAH-JIREH.........Genesis 22:13-14  meaning "The Lord will provide"
JEHOVAH-NISSI.........Exodus 17:15   meaning "The Lord our banner"
JEHOVAH-SHALOM........Judges 6:24  meaning "The Lord is peace"
JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH......Isaiah 6:1-3 meaning "The Lord of Hosts"
JEHOVAH-GMOLAH........Jeremiah 51:6  meaning "The God of Recompense"
EL-ELYON..............Genesis 14:17-20,Isaiah 14:13-14  meaning "The most high God
EL-ROI................Genesis 16:13  meaning "The strong one who sees"
EL-SHADDAI............Genesis 17:1,Psalm 91:1 meaning "The God of the mountains or God Almighty"
EL-OLAM...............Isaiah 40:28-31  meaning "The everlasting God"

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow.

Daughter, don't worry about tomorrow. It'll come soon enough with all its joys and woos. Think on this day. I haven't just ask you, I have told you to do this. For this is the day I have given you. I am not in yesterday, It is gone, it's done, fini nor am I in tomorrow. It has n't come yet, but I am here today. My presence is in the present. = )  I know you are concern for the future, but when you worry about it, you heap on yourself all the troubles of that day as well as todays troubles. Your human being was not meant to carry such a heavy burden. In spite of what you think, you are a frail child and you will stagger under such weight of days  ahead. I never intend that for you.

Throw off that blanket of worry, doubt, frustration. How?  Trust Me with it. Give it to ME to carry. I've got your future. I know your days. Trust Me. I see what's head and I will not let you fall. I've got you in a safe place. A place of peace and calmness.  My Presence is a place to protect you from Frustration, Confusion, Anxiety.   Come to ME, daughter, and I will give you rest.

 Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Psalm 118:24  This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Be Full of Joy

Daughter, I am here, I am yours for all eternity.  Nothing can take ME away from you. I am here when you lie down at night and I am here when you wake in the morning.  My ever-loving presence is with you always.  Focus on Me. Focus on being in my presence during this day.  The more you spend time in my presence the more you will enjoy your day.  I made you to enjoy life.  Walk through this day with childlike  anticipation of things to come. It please me so much to see you happy and full of joy.  This is a gift.  My heart hurts when my children walk around with sour faces and a hardened hearts. They do not recognize or acknowledge the blessings I have given them as special just for them. When they walk with a disheartened attitude they are showing the world they do not trust ME.  But when you, daughter, smile and acknowledge the blessing I have given especially for you,  you are showing the world your trust in ME, That pleases ME and fills ME with joy for you.  When you glorify MY name and and speak of my gifts for you, then you are proclaiming MY presence to the watching world. Know, daughter, that I love you!

John 10:10   The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Monday, August 13, 2012

In Weakness and In strength

Daughter, remember that in your weakness, I am made strong.  Come to me when you feel week.  Snuggle with me and feel my strength.  Do not despise your weakness, embrace it.  Come to me, child, and let me shine through your weakness.  Your weakness draws me closer and brings out the compassion in me.---my yearning to help. I see your journey and understand how difficult it has been for you.
Accept your weakness and do not compare yourself with others who seem to have it together, who can to what you can not.  Their journey is their own. You, you have your own journey. This path that I have you own will allow Me to show my power through you. This path will allow your spirit to grow and blossom in My presence. Rather than trying to hind it and pretending in doesn't exist; rather than being frustrated with your weakness, allow my love for you bless you greatly through it.

Romans 9:17  For the scripture says to Pharaoh: I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all earth. (NIV)

Isaiah 54:10  Though the mountain be shaken  and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord. (NIV)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Praise Day and Night

My dear darling Daughter,  I love you so much. I LOVE You. I have created you. You are my special one that I love. You are a rose among thorns; a lily of the valley. You are MY beautiful one. And I adore you. You are mine. I have written your name on the palm of my hand.  And no one can take you away from me.  I want to spend time with you. Come to me and lets spend time together. Let your praise rise up.  I love to hear you sing, see you dance, laugh with your laugh. Bring your praise in the morning, afternoon, evening, anytime.  I will be hear listening to you. I will even listen in the night when all is quite. When you praise me, I will protect you, I will avenge you, I will provide for you. My work has no end. When you praise me, the evil one runs, he can not be where I am. I am in your Praise day and night, daughter! Come!

I Am Looking at Your Heart

Dear Darling Daughter, I love you and this is a new day.  A fresh day to start things new. I am looking at your heart. You physical heart is pumping the fresh new red blood through your veins to nurture each part of your body. But by the time it reaches the heart again, your blood is tired and depleted of the oxygen your body needs. So it gets pumped back through the heart to get a "refill" of oxygen. Take care of your physical heart so you will have plenty of rich, healthy oxygen to supply to your body.  It has a long way to go before it reaches your heart again.
Your emotional heart is depleted and is in need of refreshing. You've been living off of what was and you're tired. So when emotional situations comes along, you can't or won't help as much as you desire.  How can you?  There isn't much "red oxygen" left. Take care of your emotional heart, so when you need to stand strong, you can. COME TO ME with all your aggravations, disappointments, hurts, confusions, and worries and feeling of sadness.  I can replenish you with encouragement, beauty, joy, love, kindness.  Let me be the one to refill you with hope and  joy. Come to me. Let me be the one to refresh you and replenish you so you can continue to give comfort and hope to others how need it.
I see, too, your spiritual heart. I see your are trying to replenish the old spirit with a new and fresh spirit. You know you are in need and on the brink of drying up. Praise me, daughter, praise ME.  Praise is the heart. Praise will bring you the new and fresh "red oxygen" your spirit needs to keep on keeping on. Praise in ME is your lifeline to spiritual revival.  Praising ME is like taking a shower after treading through mud all day. IT will refresh your soul, and spirit.
Come to me, Yesterday is done, gone, all your fresh new blood of yesterday has been used up. If you don't come to me, then you are riding on empty and where are the nutrients in that. There is none. I AM your heart.  I will give you what you need for the day. I will equip you for this day.