Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Be Full of Joy

Daughter, I am here, I am yours for all eternity.  Nothing can take ME away from you. I am here when you lie down at night and I am here when you wake in the morning.  My ever-loving presence is with you always.  Focus on Me. Focus on being in my presence during this day.  The more you spend time in my presence the more you will enjoy your day.  I made you to enjoy life.  Walk through this day with childlike  anticipation of things to come. It please me so much to see you happy and full of joy.  This is a gift.  My heart hurts when my children walk around with sour faces and a hardened hearts. They do not recognize or acknowledge the blessings I have given them as special just for them. When they walk with a disheartened attitude they are showing the world they do not trust ME.  But when you, daughter, smile and acknowledge the blessing I have given especially for you,  you are showing the world your trust in ME, That pleases ME and fills ME with joy for you.  When you glorify MY name and and speak of my gifts for you, then you are proclaiming MY presence to the watching world. Know, daughter, that I love you!

John 10:10   The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

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