Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Am Looking at Your Heart

Dear Darling Daughter, I love you and this is a new day.  A fresh day to start things new. I am looking at your heart. You physical heart is pumping the fresh new red blood through your veins to nurture each part of your body. But by the time it reaches the heart again, your blood is tired and depleted of the oxygen your body needs. So it gets pumped back through the heart to get a "refill" of oxygen. Take care of your physical heart so you will have plenty of rich, healthy oxygen to supply to your body.  It has a long way to go before it reaches your heart again.
Your emotional heart is depleted and is in need of refreshing. You've been living off of what was and you're tired. So when emotional situations comes along, you can't or won't help as much as you desire.  How can you?  There isn't much "red oxygen" left. Take care of your emotional heart, so when you need to stand strong, you can. COME TO ME with all your aggravations, disappointments, hurts, confusions, and worries and feeling of sadness.  I can replenish you with encouragement, beauty, joy, love, kindness.  Let me be the one to refill you with hope and  joy. Come to me. Let me be the one to refresh you and replenish you so you can continue to give comfort and hope to others how need it.
I see, too, your spiritual heart. I see your are trying to replenish the old spirit with a new and fresh spirit. You know you are in need and on the brink of drying up. Praise me, daughter, praise ME.  Praise is the heart. Praise will bring you the new and fresh "red oxygen" your spirit needs to keep on keeping on. Praise in ME is your lifeline to spiritual revival.  Praising ME is like taking a shower after treading through mud all day. IT will refresh your soul, and spirit.
Come to me, Yesterday is done, gone, all your fresh new blood of yesterday has been used up. If you don't come to me, then you are riding on empty and where are the nutrients in that. There is none. I AM your heart.  I will give you what you need for the day. I will equip you for this day.

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