Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Time to Reflect-

 I drove by a church one afternoon with a display of a rock and in front stood 3 'Roman Soldiers'.  They were young-looking gentlemen that must have been there for a while for they were laughing and clowning around. (Did I mention it was cold and rainy.)  The first thing that came to mind as I drove by, was "Oh, I need to come back Sunday morning to see what happens."
Yesterday was Good Friday.  The day we remember in our Christian faith, that Jesus, son of God and son of man, was crucified. Tomorrow will be the reason for our Christian faith, He rose from the grave conquering sin and death. Makes me feel a little choked up with praise for my Savior. But today, this day, the middle day, I wondered how Jesus' friends handled this day.  They had buried their friend the day before. Anyone who has buried a loved one will tell you, the day after feels numb.  You don't know what to feel. For the friends of Jesus, I think it might have been a time of reflecting, each with a favorite memory of their friend. For Mary Magdalene, perhaps she reflected the first time she meet Jesus.  The pharisees threw her at his feet.  Thinking she was going to be stoned and instead she was forgiven. For John, perhaps his reflection was of the day he saw Jesus transformed on the Mount of Transfiguration.  He couldn't believe his own eyes at the radiance of Jesus and seeing Moses and Abraham.  He was so awed stuck, overwhelmed with great emotion. (I think I would be too!) Perhaps John thought about the time just recently, when Jesus tried to tell him and the other disciples of the things that were going to happen, and they did take place. How he got in Jesus's face and told him he would not let it happen. And how Jesus, got upset with him and told him that these thing HAD to take place.  Perhaps John was thinking, "Now what, Jesus?"  For Peter, he was thinking about the time he saw Jesus walk on water.  He remembered how amazed he was at seeing him and how he wanted to do that. He remembered he tried to walk on water, too and almost drowned.  And how Jesus had to pull him out and save him.  Maybe Peter was thinking about how he told Jesus he would never deny him, and then he did.  And what made  this memory worse was Jesus told Peter he would deny Him(Jesus).  He loved Jesus how could he have done such a thing.  For Mary, Jesus' mother,  a mother's broken heart for her son.  She must have reflected on the day Jesus was born. How he was born in that smelly, small manager. How she counted his perfect, little 10 fingers and toes. How she wrapped him in those blankets and Joseph took care of them.  She thought about how an angel of the Lord came to her just 9 months early, to tell her she was chosen to be the mother of the Savior of the world. Did she understand then what she understands now.  Nevertheless, a mother's loss and a broken heart. Perhaps she, also, reflected on His first miracle.  A friend's daughter's wedding, no more wine for the guest;  she just knew she was supposed to tell Jesus. What was it He said? "It's not my time, yet."?  Still, He took water and turned it into wine, the best!  Did Mary reflected  on all time when she was with him and listened to him talk as if the very words He spoke was from God himself. How she wishes she could have understood her son better,  but how could she understand the very son of God.
What are your reflections, today, about Jesus.  What are your favorite memories of him: a story, a pray, a dream,  a miracle.  Today, make it a time of reflecting on His love for you.  Happy Easter, my dear friend!

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