Monday, July 23, 2012

Prayer Series-Children

Parenting is the Best Job But Why Both to Pray!

*Note* My children are 21 and 15.  They are awesome kids, and while I would like to take most of the credit, I am giving all credit the God, my Father- the awesome parent that he is.  Years ago, He placed Stormie Omartain's books into my hands. And I have prayed each of those prayers over my children again and again as they enter different stages of their life.  It has been my desire to share with you these books and experience of raising Godly Children.  Thank you. 

Parenting is the best job.  It's also the hardest, the most joyous, the most exhausting and the most exasperating job you will ever have.  One minute you feel successful and so proud of your child and the next minute you want to strangle him. And just when you think you have mastered this parenting job, you discover you have a whole new set of rules.  With each new stage comes new rules and new challenges.  Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it.

But there is good news!  We don't have to throw our hands into the air and say "forget it, they will be what ever they will be." We don't have to let our children be left to chance.  We don't even have to be perfect! We don't have to pace the floor wondering where they are.  We don't have to dread the terrible two's or the tortuous teens. The secret.... not trying to do it all by yourself but turning to the Perfect Parent- God, the Father. We don't have to have all the answers all the time if we cover them in prayer to the Father.

I like the way Stormie Omartian put in her book, The Power of a Praying Parent, how we can partner with the Father. By giving our children to God on a daily bases, he will handle much of the burden and give them wisdom, power, protection and ability far beyond our own doing.  Our job is to love them, teach them, discipline them, nurture them and train them up to walk in the way they should go. We depend on God and He will see that our children are taken care of and blessed.

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