Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Praise as a Protector

2 Samuel 22:4:  "I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised,  and I am saved from my enemies. 

He is so worthy of praised. I really don't do it enough throughout the day to tell him how great he is. We praise the works of great men like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, doctors, lawyers, writers, inventors, but hasn't God done all those things and more. Hasn't He written books. He had scribes to write for him, nevertheless, He wrote them. He created/invented the Heavens and the Earth, all creatures,  and ME and You. He's a doctor, a lawyer, a counselor, a parent, a friend, a protector and a banker.  He is the Great I AM.  He is so worthy of praise.  Praise causes him to look on us with pleasure!

Here is something I learned a while back. The more we praise, the more his presents is revealed.  Psalm 22:3  But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabits the praises of Israel.
I had a crazy vision one time, during my quite time when I was thinking about this verse.   I remembered a song by the Christian group, the Imperials. Russ Taff sang the song,  Praise the Lord;  He can work with those who praise Him,
                  Praise the Lord;  For our God inhabits praise,
                  Praise the Lord;  For the chains that seem to bind you
                  Serve only to remind you that they drop powerless behind you

                 When you praise him.
Suddenly, I could picture God surfing a wave of praises and with his sword in his hand and He's is calling back to his army of angels warriors, "Come on boys, the praises are high."  I realize this may sound childish,even foolish, to many but there is a verse that God uses the foolish things of the earth to teach those wise in their on eyes. I can picture Fear, Anger, or  Depression turning and running for its life when I praise God and give Him something to ride on.   God showed me that when I praise,  he sends his angel army  to defend me and protect me from the enemy. That is so exciting for me. I don't have to suffer with depression or anxiety, or anger, and self-pity. That is where the enemy, Satan, wants you. Then He showed me this verse,  Form the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8:2.  

How glorious  to know we have a God that will protect us in all circumstances.

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