Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lemonade and Jesus

You've heard the saying when life gets tough make lemonade?  Well, how do you make lemonade?  What if you don't even know the ingredients to make lemonade? No, there is more to this saying than is spoken.  Lemonade is refreshing and quenches the thirst for sure. Here are the three main ingredients: lemons, sugar, and water.  Mix together and stir, and drink. Simple as that.

Your spiritual life is like the making of a good thirst-quenching lemonade.  Your ingredients are God, the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Now you're asking yourself "How are they like lemonade.?" or maybe you've already figured it out.  Lemonade needs each of those ingredients to  taste good.  One without the other just won't be lemonade and it defiantly won't quench your thirst. You will know that something is missing. The same is true with your spiritual life. You need all three triune to be complete. Each person of the Triune meets a need in your life. Without one your life is incomplete. You'll feel like you are missing something and can't quite put your figure on it. Today, Christ is putting his finger on it.

Do you need a Father figure in your life.  Are you looking for someone to fill that void in your life. You have searched and have choosen people who have not fulfilled that need.  God, your Father can.  He created the heavens and the earth. He created you and placed you in you mother's womb. He knew you before time itself.  AND He loves you. Yes, he really loves you. He will never tell you you're stupid, or hit you, or desert you. He knows what's best for you.  Why not ask him to show you what a true Father looks like and feel his warm of his loving arms.

Jesus Christ said " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me."  Harsh right, not really.  God is holy, man, well, not so holy. Jesus is the bridge that can bring the two together.  You need a bridge to cross a river. In your spiritual life you need a bridge to cross the gap that sin caused separating you from God. So to make it simple, God asked his only son, Jesus, to sacrifice himself on a cross to become that bridge so you can meet your heavenly Father. How can you cross such a bridge?  The bible tells me that anyone who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ and speaks it with his mouth shall be saved. Simple as that.

The third part of this spiritual lemonade is the Holy Spirit. Bible, again, tells me that if we are going to worship God then we must  worship in spirit and in truth. You can't be fake about this. There is no getting around the fact that he is a parent who has eyes everywhere and knows everything before you do it. Christ gave us his spirit, his holy spirit, so we would know right from wrong and have a way to communicate with God, the Father. We receive the holy spirit when we accept Jesus as Savior; when we accept him as our bridge. The Holy Spirit is a person just as God, your Father and Jesus is a person. He will help you to communicate with God and Christ.

I could have gotten into all kinds of theology but that was not the purpose of this post. I just wanted people to know It's simple, not complicated as some people may want you to think: God is your Father, your parent, your guardian,your lover, your protector, your provider.    Jesus is your bridge so you can commune with God and have an example of how to live. And the Holy Spirit lives within you to  help you know right from wrong and help you communicate with God. Mix, stir and you will have peace.  Leave anyone out, and life won't be the same. It will be full of confusion, hardship, envy, malice, and the list goes on. 

Dear Friend, though we've not meet,  I just want you to be happy and at peace with your  surroundings.

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